Thursday 11 September 2014

Comedy and Jokes

iPhone 6 and 6 Plus: Apple's announcement live stream hit by technical difficulties

Apple's live stream of the announcement of its new products — including the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus — failed to work properly as it hit technical difficulties during the event on Tuesday. Users that managed to get onto the video of the presentation had the audio overlaid with what appeared to the Mandarin Chinese translation, and saw the videos get stuck in loops, playing certain parts of the presentation over and over.Others could not get through to the video at all, seeing the video company's test card and hearing two clashing songs being played. The video also started late, with video cutting out and failing to restart as the presentation was scheduled to begin. Users were shown pictures of journalists entering the room but the video seemed to break at 6pm UK time, when Apple executives were set to take the stage.